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Mountain Landscape

Because all life leaves footprints...

Ecological and Environmental Considerations

Ecological Considerations


Time in New Zealand has massively influenced The New Horizon Adventure Co. especially in the area of ecology. We’re particularly inspired by a Maori world view, expressed in Kaitiakitanga. In the Māori world view, people are closely connected to the land and nature. Kaitiakitanga is based on this idea of humans as part of the natural world. Kaitiakitanga means guardianship and protection. It is a way of managing the environment, based on this Māori world view.


In the past, Maori iwi might embody this Kaitiakitanga by doing things like, only harvesting what is needed, having temporary hunting or fishing bans to replenish stocks, and not hunting or trapping during breeding seasons. 


A maori proverb says:

“Toitū te whenua, whatungarongaro te tangata” (land is permanent while people come and go)


And adapted this commonly expresses:

Toitū te whenua - let the permanence of land remain intact

Toiora te Wai - let water abound


As an avid user, enjoyer, and especially as company that makes profit from enjoying wilderness spaces, The New Horizons Adventure Co. recognises the importance and responsibility of caring for the natural world, and minimising if not erasing entirely it’s impact upon the environment and the natural world. 


Among other things, we’re committed to adhering to the Leave no Trace Principles:

1. Plan Ahead and Prepare

2. Travel and Camp on Durable Ground

3. Dispose of Waste Properly

4. Leave what you Find

5. Minimise the effects of Fire

6. Respect Wildlife and Farm Animals

7. Be Considerate of Others


You can learn more about the seven leave no trace principles at:


To honour the spirit of Kaitiakitanga, and care for the environment, The New Horizon Adventure Co. commits to:

  • Using established paths where possible and as much as possible

  • Restricting the amount of adventures / footfall The New Horizon Adventure Co. might hold in any given area, including giving each locality a 1 year break from any New Horizon Adventure Co activity

  • Working with local partners and authorities to understand best practice and seasonal approach to enjoying spaces sensitive to wildlife. Eg. Where Rock Climbing is restricted due to nesting bird life

  • Contributing 5% of profits to the John Muir Trust, a UK based charity that works to protect and enhance Britain’s wild spaces

  • Adhering to and educating all participants on the Leave No Trace Principles

  • Contributing 5% of profits to the Leave no Trace movement

  • Reducing, minimising and avoiding the use of plastics (with the exception of PPE, where safety is priority)

  • Only using eco / bio fuel when on overnight trips

  • Adhering to the Scottish Outdoor Access Code

  • Adhering to the Countryside Code


More information can be found at:

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